February 2022, The Netherlands
Photography project. Jacket entirely realized with paper.

Printing technique
Jacket printed with offset print, fabric printed with silkscreen printing.
Fabric fanzinography
Camouflage Concrete Recordings flyer. Autoprodotto.
Catastrophe 01. (2004). Supplemento a Torazine. Roma. Venerea Edizioni. Retrieved from https://archive.org/details/catastrophe-01/mode/2up.
Catastrophe 02. (2005). Supplemento a Torazine. Roma. Venerea Edizioni. Retrieved from https://archive.org/details/catastrophe-02/mode/2up.
Crescita politica anno 1 n. 2. Zina Autoprodotta.
Decoder: Rivista internazionale underground. Raccolta da 1 a 4. (1992). Milano. Shake Edizioni. Retrieved from https://archive.org/details/decoder-1-4/mode/2up.
Torazine 000. (2000). Roma. Venerea Edizioni. Retrieved from https://archive.org/details/torazine0000/page/n1/mode/2up.
Torazine 3000. (1999). Roma. Venerea Edizioni. Retrieved from https://archive.org/details/torazine3000/mode/2up.
All the above- mentioned sources were re-elaborated, re-appropriated, and re-used.