January 2022
Dune is a biannual, bilingual academic journal of fashion and visual culture, with open call, welcoming scientific contributions. It is directed by Maria Luisa Frisa, founder of the bachelor course in Fashion Design and Multimedia Arts at Iuav University of Venice, is published by Flash Art, with graphic design by Multi Form.
The XEROXED geek trousers were conceived and made exclusively for the fourth issue of Dune in September 2021 and are the product of an intervention of cutting up and patchwork carried out on a reprint on fabric of the first issue of Fikafutura: secrezioni acide cyberfemministe e queer, brought out in 1997 as a supplement to triple issue nos. 6-7-8 of Decoder Rivista Internazionale Underground, published by Shake Edizioni Underground and free from copyright.