June 2023-ongoing
In 2023 XEROXED started an ongoing collaboration with the band Chicks on Speed, got access to the band archive (lyrics, articles, paper ephemera, and more), and designed prints which were then transformed into pamphlet t-shirts to be distributed during the band’s tours, and fabrics for stage costumes.
The Chicks on Speed’s band archive was mixed with the XEROXED archive. The two archives have been intertwined following themes and visual similarities.

Silkscreen print, sublimation print.
All Together Ink, self-published fanzine.
Camouflage Concrete Recordings flyer. Self-published.
Codici Immaginari. Interferenze nell’universo multimediale. (1993), Numero due, aprile/giugno, Roma.
Decoder: Rivista internazionale underground. Raccolta da 1 a 4. (1992). Milano.Shake Edizioni. Retrieved from https://archive.org/details/decoder-1-4/mode/2up.
Nemesis, numero uno, second edition. Pomigliano d’Arco, Self-published Fanzine.
Night Circle. Blacktape for a blue girl. (1988), Numero uno.